

Project Photos

Battel Engineering, Inc.
10020 North 58th Street
Scottsdale, AZ  85253
office: (480) 991-9747
fax: (480) 991-9748
email: bateng@earthlink.net


Click on an image for a larger view and description

1. Steve gave a workshop on high voltage engineering on April 2-3, 2012 with a follow-on 2 days on October 22-23 2012 2. See Steve, with Rob Manning (JPL) and Glenn Reeves (JPL) give their University of Michigan “3 Amigos” talk on YouTube 3. PIXL X-ray Head Including the
30 kV  High Voltage Module
4.  LV Control Module for PIXL X-Ray Head
5. SAM Analog Electronics (AE) 66. View of Valve-Heater Module as part of integrated SAM Analog Electronics 7. SAM Valve-Heater Module flight
model prior to AE integration
8. SAM Power Supply Module flight
9. SAM Power Supply Module flight
10. Power Supply Control Assembly 11. Power Supply MosFet Assembly 12. SAM Pyrolysis-Temperature
Module flight model


13. SAM Filament-Bias Module flight
14. SAM High Voltage Module (HVM)  
15. Demonstration of a Simple 40,000 Volt Faraday Cup Modulator Concept 16. Testing a 50,000 Volt Distributed Reluctance Transformer 17. 50,000 Volt Vacuum Isolated Transformer Concept 18. Testing Vacuum Isolated Transformer Concept in Air
19. X-Ray Tube Beam Blanking Using a Retarding Potential 20. 20,000 Volt Filament Transformer Using Traditional Dielectric Isolation 21. 170 kV High Voltage Module at
Several Stages of Assembly
22. 500 kV Load and 100,000: 1
Voltage Divider


23. 100,000: 1 Voltage Divider in
Pre-Assembled State
24. Arc Test Setups for Europa
Clipper Mission
25. 7000 Volt “VapeArc” Generator 26. Magnet Wire DWV and Partial Discharge Testing of Magnet Wire for Europa Clipper
27. More Breakdown Testing for
Europa Clipper
28.  Coaxial Cable Arc Sensitivity Testing
for Europa Clipper
29. Winding Secondary Bobbins for High Voltage Transformers 30. A Single-Section Prototype High
Voltage Multiplier for a 60 kV System
31. The 60 kV Drive Transformer and Oscillator Prototype Under Test 32. 100 kV Load and Voltage Divider for Testing the 60,000 Volt Prototype
High Voltage System
33. 50 kV Voltage Isolator for the
SPICES Instrument
34. 50 kV High Voltage Isolators in the
Salad Bowl” Test Setup


35. A Test Surprise 36. DraMS Instrument Filament Control
in Closed Loop Test
37. RTW X-Ray Tube Under Test 38. 25 kV Closed-Loop Load Simulator
39. “Dead Simple” Voltage Bus
Ground Isolator
40. Orbion PCU Brassboard 2
Under Test
41. High Voltage Transformer Testing
for the SWOT Mission
42. Ringing Choke Bias Supply


43.  RF Interference Testing a
CubeSat for Spire Global.
44. Special Assistant Kayli Battel with
a CubeSat in the lab
45. Satellite Solar Array Shunt System 46. 400 Watt Power Unit for a
Miniaturized Hall Effect Thruster
47. High Voltage Opto-Coupler Partial Discharge Testing 48. High Voltage Cable Noise and
Breakdown Testing
49. EN-11 High Voltage Life Test 50. PicSpec Brassboard -100,000
Volt Power Module
51. PicSpec Brassboard Power
Electronics and Control Module
52. Progressive Stages of Build-up
for the PIXL High Voltage Module
53.Potted PIXL High Voltage Module 54. PIXL X-Ray Tube Test Module


  55.  Progression of PIXL High Voltage Module Test Setups 56. Thermal Test Setup for PIXL
Brassboard Hardware
5757. 100 kilovolt high voltage power
supply prototype under test for the
PicSpec instrument
58. An early version of the -100 kilovolt
high voltage power supply prototype
5959.  35 kilovolt isolation transformer
for the PicSpec instrument
60. The PIXL instrument brassboard
28,000 volt power supply
under development
for JPL
61. The PIXL high voltage power supply
from picture 16 set up for its life test
62. Close up view of the development version of the PIXL high voltage module 63. Brassboard version of the PIXL
high voltage system
64. The PIXL x-ray tube built up into a
non-flight assembly for testing


65. MOMA breadboard testing of miniaturized power supply 66. The MOMA project Filament-Bias (FB) module 67. A closer look at the FB module
discussed in picture 22
68. The MOMA Power-High Voltage (PH) module
69. The integrated Secondary Electronics
Box (SEB) module
70. The FB (right side) and PH
modules side-by-side
71. Bench testing of the FB and PH
72. MOMA Power Supply (PS)
brassboard for testing
73. MOMA test simulator with a pair
of flight-like filaments
74. MOMA Filament control and
bias testing
75. MOMA special cables and connectors testing 76. MOMA couplers and magnetic
devices testing


77. MAVEN NGIMS instrument power
supply testing
78. MAVEN FM IUVS high voltage
power supply
79. MAVEN FM IUVS high voltage
power supply under test
80. MAVEN FM IUVS high voltage
power supply under test for
output noise
81. PC board dielectric breakdown measurements 82. Picture of fully assembled 25,000
x-ray high voltage power supply
83. Final bench test for assembled
25,000 x-ray high voltage power
supply prototype
84. The SAM (Surface Analysis at Mars) instrument undergoing conducted susceptibility testing
85. The dual LISN (Line Impedance Stabilization Network) 86. SAM EMC testing at Goddard 87. Final bench test of testing of
the 25,000 x-ray high voltage
power supply
88. 25,000 x-ray high voltage power supply


89. Breadboard testing of 25,000 volt x-ray power supply 90. High voltage module used with
the 25,000 x-ray high voltage
power supply
91. LADEE flight PS/HV (Power Supply
and High Voltage) module
92. Top side view of the LADEE Engineering model PS/HV module
93. Junior assistant Kayli Battel helping
with testing
94. LADEE PS/HV Engineering being
set up
95. LADEE PS/HV Engineering mounted
on copper bench
96. LADEE PS/HV Engineering in special
noise testing configuration
97. LADEE PS/HV Engineering being
tested for radiated magnetic signature
98. Opto-coupler test setup for LOKI
tether HVPS
99. Infrared LED test fixture for
qualification of LED's
100. Battel Engineering's Rocket Squad pointing their rockets skyward


101. LADEE and MAVEN flight and
engineering magnetic parts
102. LADEE and MAVEN magnetic parts
in thermal oven
103. Main transformer test fixture for
LADEE and MAVEN flight devices
104. Main transformer test fixture for
LADEE and MAVEN flight devices
105. Steve at his "other job" 106. Spare AIM high voltage power supply being tested 107. Assistants Kayli and David
working on the water manifold
108. Custom heat exchanger in
operation at "Casa Battel"
109. Wideband RF amplifier under development 110. First development board for a high radiation tolerance power supply 111. SAM High Voltage Multiplier
Assembly Test Setup
112. MMS High Voltage Opto-Coupler


113. Vacuum Tube X-Ray Source
114. High Voltage Cable Noise Coupling
115. 25,000 Volt X-Ray Source Power
Supply Under Test
116. 500 Watt Dynamic Tether High
Voltage Power Supply
117. Tether Power Supply PWM Drive
118. Close-up of Tether High Voltage
Drive Section
119. Close-up of Tether High Voltage Modulator 120. Tether Floating Drive System Under Preliminary Test
121. Tether System Radiated EMC Test 122. 2000 Watt Tether Load 123. Mars Atmosphere Breakdown
124. 25,000 Volt High Voltage System


125. 25,000 Volts Power Supply Under Test 126. Mars-Phoenix TEGA Brassboard
Under Test
127. SAM Emission Control Simulator
Under Test
128. High Voltage Feedback Tuning
129. High Voltage Opto-Coupler
Screening Setup
130. Chemin Filament Simulator Under
131. Chemin Filament Simulator During Assembly 132. Chemin Filament Simulator During Assembly
133. JADE 11,000 Volt High Voltage
Power Supply Demo. Breadboard
134. JADE High Voltage Modulator Development 135. JADE High Voltage Component
Life Testing
136. SAM Analog Electronics (AE)
Bench Testing


137. SAM Analog Electronics (AE)
Thermal Testing
138. SAM PS Module Configured for
Thermal Testing
139. PS Control Assembly Bench Test 140. SAM Pyrolysis-Temperature Module
Bench Test
141. SAM Filament-Bias Module on
Inspection Bench
142. SAM Filament-Bias Module
Bench Test
143. Combined FB-PT Module
Bench Test
144. Combined FB-PT Module
Thermal Test
145. SAM High Voltage Module (HVM)
Bench Test
146. SAM High Voltage Connector
147. SAM Magnetics Screening 148. SAM Transformer Screening


149. SAM Inductor Saturation Testing 150. Partial Discharge Test Setup
151. Piezo-Electric Test Setup 152. Piezo-Electric Test Setup
153. Piezo-Electric Test Setup 154. Lab Assistant in Robotics
155. SAM Brassboard PS Test Setup 156. SAM Brassboard PS Test Setup
157. 400 MHz Slot Antenna Test 158. TEGA-EGA Flight Model Face View 1591. TEGA-EGA High Voltage Umbilical 160. TEGA-EGA Low Voltage Module
Interior View


161. TEGA-EGA High Voltage Module
Bottom View
162. TEGA High Voltage Module
Top View
163. Top View of TEGA Emission
Control Board
164. TEGA HVM Functional Bench
Test Setup
165. TEGA HVM in Thermal Test
166. TEGA LVM in Bench Test Setup 167. Integrated TEGA Flight Model
in Functional Test
168. TEGA High Voltage Transformer Qualification Setup

169. TEGA High Voltage Transformer Stepped-Voltage Testing 170. TEGA Power Supply Breadboard
171. TEGA Integrated High Voltage Breadboard Test 172. TEGA High Voltage Breadboard



173. TEGA Filament/Emission Control Breadboard Test Setup  174. TEGA High Voltage Breadboard
Test Setup
175. TEGA Emission Control Test
with Real Filament
176. Bench Test of Actual TEGA
177. UHF Filter Test 178. High Voltage Test Setup 179. AIM-CIP High Voltage Power Supply 180. AIM-CIP High Voltage Power Supply, Bottom View
181. Control Loop Testing of
182. Top View of Huygens
GCMS Instrument
183. Side View of Huygens GCMS
184. Side View of Huygens GCMS


185. GALEX Engineering Model High
Voltage Power Supply
186. GALEX Engineering Model Low
Voltage Power Supply
187. GP-B Aft Power Unit 188. GP-B Aft Power Unit, Back Side
189. APU in Bench Test Setup 190. GP-B Forward Regulator Module 191. Rosetta IES High Voltage Power
Supply with Control Module
192. Interior View of IES HVPS
193. IES HVPS in Test Fixture 194. Hubble Spectrograph Power
195. 2000 Watt Battery Charge
196. QuickToms PMIU2 Power
Converter Breadboard


197. PMIU2 Configured for Test 199. 2000 Watt High Voltage
199. SAM Thermo-Electric Cooler
Test Setup
200. SAM Bulb Filament Simulator
201. UC Berkeley Antenna Calibration
202. IMAGE Spacecraft E-Field Mockup 203. The “Bird Cage” 204. The “Big Box”
205. Testing Inside the “Big Box”      




Images © Steve Battel, Battel Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.